Category: Official Announcements

  • In Memory of Yu Hua Li (李禹華)

    我和樂團𥚃幾位音樂家和老師們聚在福楽公園的教堂,代表樂團全體團員獻上鮮花,向樂團資深首席李禹華老師的家人和親友表示深切的哀悼和慰問。 我們會永遠懷念他,並且繼續在音樂的道路上,帶著他的精神前行。 在樂團裡,我認識李禹華老師將近十年,他不僅是一位出色的音樂家,更是一位毫無架子、為人謙和、時時幫助別人、給人溫暖的朋友。他總是帶著微笑,在關鍵時刻帶給我們力量。他的音樂才華無庸置疑,但更令人敬佩的是他的善良和無私。 今天,我們樂團失去了一位音樂家,更失去了一份珍貴的友誼。「親愛的李老師,願上帝與您同在。安息吧!我們將永遠懷念您。」 團長:李文玲 We, along with several musicians and teachers from the orchestra, are gathered at the Church of Our Heritage at Forest Lawn to present flowers on behalf of all the orchestra members, expressing our deepest condolences and sympathy to the family and friends of our senior principal, Mr. Yuhua Li. We…

  • A Message from the CMASC Chairperson, Mary Su

    Originally written for the Summer Concert 2024 program brochure on June 22nd, 2024. 阅读简体中文版 – 閱讀繁體中文版 Heritage The Chinese Music Association of Southern California has entered its ninth year. At its inception, the late entrepreneur Mr. Wang Guoping continuously provided financial and other forms of support, selflessly contributing to the establishment of a platform for…